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Saturday, 7 June 2014

Why You Should Go For Windows Mobile Apps Development

Applications are ruling the world. They are desired by one and all. Wherever you go, you will find, in your vicinity, that at least ten people are using their smart phone. All over the world people are using smart phones to complete their daily tasks and also to find a fine balance between their personal and professional life. While Android and iOS have been the most preferred apps development platforms, Windows has taken a back seat. People are constantly talking about loss of Windows on the smart phone platform. However, the ecosystem of Windows Phone is gradually becoming alive. 

New statistics depict that there are a number of things positive about windows mobile application development. While there is a lot of struggle for Windows Phone in saturated markets like North America and Australia, it is definitely gaining more importance in Europe and South America because of its sleek user interface. It offers powerful integration with cloud services and other products such as OneDrive, Office365, Xbox and Windows. This has again helped it attain gradual fame. As per a recent report issued by Microsoft, the sales of Windows Phone have now overtaken the sales of iOS in 24 different countries across the world. These countries include small markets such as Ecuador, Thailand and Ukraine. However, countries like inland, UAE and Saudi Arabia are also included in this list.

Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development

It is also not true that the sales of Windows Phone are high only where there is no Apple phone available. Across Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, Windows phone has experienced increased market share from four point eight percent to ten point two percent. However, iOS (Apple) faced a drop of five percent to 15.8 percent during the last year. All in all, we can say that Windows phone is gradually expanding its market reach. iOS has now only two strong holds which are US and Japan. 

If you wish to create a windows app then you can hire the best windows mobile app development company. There are a number of companies offering their services to clients across the world.

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